What we do

HelpCircle's model starts with partnering with local organizations like Antharbhava, who have long-standing familiarity with the needs of the intellectually challenged community. We work with these organizations to train the beneficiaries, to complete simple tasks (such as chopping and packing vegetables), to supervise their work output and provide guidance as needed.

In parallel, we partner with other stakeholders (including corporations, gated apartment communities, and the families of our beneficiaries) to identify and consolidate customer communities, that are dedicated to supporting our beneficiaries, by making regular purchases.

HelpCircle, provides technology platform that enables customers to view and order products through any web-enabled device. The orders are tracked daily, and used to inform procurement for the following day. The ordering interface and procurement activities are performed centrally to leverage efficiencies of scale. 

By training our beneficiaries to distribute the products directly to their buyers, HelpCircle and its partner organisations like Antharbhava, creates social value and sensitises the general public to the special-needs community, through repeated human interaction.