
Corporates play a crucial role in supporting various social causes - either on their own or encouraging the employees. HelpCircle has innovative ways by which corporates can support social causes, without much time and effort.

Some of the options could be:

  • Kiosks - Make available space for HelpCircle and its associates to put up kiosks, where the special needs community can display their products for sale.
  • Donate to Charity - Encourage the staff to donate to charity, onboarded by HelpCircle, on important dates like anniversaries etc. Corporates can make matching contributions, as part of the CSR initiative.
  • Mentors - Corporates and its employees can work with HelpCircle and partner organisations like Antharbhava, to mentor and work closely with the beneficiaries, to support them in whatever way that can enhance the livelihood of the special needs community, making them economically independent, without compromising their self-respect and dignity.

We are open to explore new methods to enrich the lives of the special needs community. Reach out to us, to make this world a better place!