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  • St. Jude India ChildCare Centres

    2nd Floor, ICS Building 74, Jerbai Wadia Road, Bhoiwada
    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400012
    • Phone/Mob : 02223515174/02223515175
    • Email :
    • Website :

    St.Judes provides free accommodation and holistic support to children travelling with their parents for treatment of cancer from villages and small town to cities. Your support can help us bridge the gap between what the hospitals provide and what every child needs to get a fighting chance to beat cancer. provides you a wonderful opportunity to support these families with fresh Fruits and Vegetables at their Mumbai Center which houses 100 families. You will also support the empowerment of Special Needs community who will repackage these in course of time. You could support many families, starting with 5 over many number of days and weeks. You would be delighted to hear that you could do it from the comforts of your fingertips. SvarnaVriksh powered by in support of St Jude Child Care


    Vegetables & Fruits

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